

Where words finds wings.

The problem Coos&Coo solves

Coos&Coo is a comprehensive platform designed to address multiple critical challenges within our communities. With a diverse set of features, it tackles the following key problems:

  1. Social Isolation: In our increasingly digital world, Coos&Coo connects volunteers and community members, reducing feelings of isolation. By sharing activities and workshops, it fosters a sense of belonging and community.

  2. Limited Access to Activities: Access to educational and recreational activities can be constrained by location, cost, or availability. Coos&Coo widens access by offering a wide range of workshops, both online and offline, making participation more accessible.

  3. Skill Sharing: Many individuals possess valuable skills and knowledge but lack a platform to share them. Coos&Coo empowers volunteers to initiate workshops on various topics, fostering learning and skill development.

  4. Financial Support: Funding is a challenge for community initiatives. Coos&Coo includes a donation system, allowing community members to financially support valuable workshops and activities, ensuring their sustainability.

  5. Community Building: Strong communities are essential for well-being. Coos&Coo facilitates the creation of communities around shared interests, fostering social bonds and a sense of belonging.

  6. Information Overload: Finding relevant activities in the digital age can be overwhelming. Coos&Coo categorizes activities and offers personalized recommendations, streamlining user engagement.

Additionally, Coos&Coo features an auto-enroll feature that automatically enrolls you in activities of your interest, enhancing user convenience and engagement.

In summary, Coos&Coo provides a holistic solution by addressing social isolation, limited activity access, skill sharing, financial support, community building , information overload, and safety, while also offering the convenience of auto-enrollment for activities aligned with your interests.

Challenges we ran into

Challenges Faced:

  1. Real-time Chat: Synchronizing messages was a hurdle. We overcame it by leveraging third-party tools.

  2. Payment Integration: Ensuring secure donations was challenging. We rigorously tested and adhered to standards.

  3. Community Guidelines: Defining and enforcing guidelines was tricky, but collaboration and automation helped.
