
It is a platform that provides the facility of donating your belongings or the items that you don't use anymore to someone who can use it.

Created on 20th February 2022



It is a platform that provides the facility of donating your belongings or the items that you don't use anymore to someone who can use it.

The problem ContriKart.Com solves

If we have something that we don't use anymore, we end up throwing that in the garbage without having a single thought. We aim to donate these things and to remove the communication barrier between the donor and the receiver. Also, NGOs can become mediums to donate these items. We can keep a track of discarded items and when they are enough to donate we can list them on the website through the donation form and a local NGO from your area can pick them up and give them to the needy one.

Challenges we ran into

Major Problem was integrating backend which consumed a lot of time to solve. But one problem still exists that the database which we integrated is located in our local PC. To Proof that database is working you can take reference from the provided video.


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