Contribution in Terminal Portfolio

Terminal Portfolio is the project where I have contributed using JS. I corrected the social stat orientation and improvised its look.


Contribution in Terminal Portfolio

Terminal Portfolio is the project where I have contributed using JS. I corrected the social stat orientation and improvised its look.

The problem Contribution in Terminal Portfolio solves

  1. Corrected the orientation of social stats when social -d command is given
  2. LinkedIn connections corrected.
  3. Minor typo fixed

Link - https://github.com/TechSpiritSS/Terminal-Portfolio/pull/176#issue-1559229771

Challenges I ran into

This is the first time I am contributing for a open source so as a beginner I faced difficulty in using the Github for generating pull requests, making changes and updating the branch to upstream.
I was unable to understand the methodology of raising the issue and creating a pull request only if the issue is assigned to me and not closed. The mentor asked me to go through the documentation and then I was able to raise a request and create a PR and got that pull request merged.

Technologies used
