Consumer Complaint Management System

Consumer Complaint Management System

User can seamlessly register complaints about different issues. It offers real-time updates on the complaint status with a friendly chat feature.

Consumer Complaint Management System

Consumer Complaint Management System

User can seamlessly register complaints about different issues. It offers real-time updates on the complaint status with a friendly chat feature.

The problem Consumer Complaint Management System solves

In this app, the user can register complaints on different issues like technical, mechanical, etc. These complaints will be assigned to a specific business having the same role. The business can then resolve the complaint and change the status of the complaint(pending, resolved, under review). The business can also view the stats on the homepage about how many complaints are belonging to different categories along with a pie chart for easier visualization. In order to establish a communication between the business and the user, we have integrated a one-to-one chat feature too.

Challenges we ran into

The assignment of the complaint to the employee was difficult to choose among the employees. To ovecome this, we re-designed the algorithm to assign the complaint to employee with lowest assignment.
