

A room booking and roommate finding app which makes travelling easy. We can book a room and find verified people to stay with them in order to save the cost of staying .



A room booking and roommate finding app which makes travelling easy. We can book a room and find verified people to stay with them in order to save the cost of staying .

The problem Connectify solves

A room booking and roommate finding app which makes travelling easy. We can book a room and find verified people to stay with them in order to save the cost of staying. This app encorporates the roommate choosing application based on our interests and splitting the expense among the inmates while also booking and enjoying their stay. These days hotels are really expensive to afford for students but with this website, students can share their rooms with other people based on their interests for an economical and hassle free stay.

Challenges we ran into

Our team was already 2 people short to begin with and with limited front end knowledge and no backend knowledge, we came up with this static prototype of our website we desire to develop in the near future. Debugging and spacing were the most difficult tasks. We managed our project by trying every value and taking help of our seniors.

Technologies used
