Connect to Heal

Share To Heal is an initiative to help people cope up with the increasing mental health deterioration due to the effects of keeping oneself in a confined space.

Created on 28th March 2021


Connect to Heal

Share To Heal is an initiative to help people cope up with the increasing mental health deterioration due to the effects of keeping oneself in a confined space.

The problem Connect to Heal solves

Nowadays we all know that mental health is a big issue in today's society and there are a very few solutions for the people suffering through it.

WHO also estimates that about 7.5 per cent Indians suffer from some mental disorder and predicts that by end of this year roughly 20 per cent of India will suffer from mental illnesses. According to the numbers, 56 million Indians suffer from depression and another 38 million Indians suffer from anxiety disorders.

One solution for these people is to form help groups where they meet once a week or month and share their experiences and problems so that everyone can relate it starts the healing process, we have taken the same solution approach online where we provide a community for people going through mental health issues where one can connect and talk to the persons with similiar problems without compromising his identity so that he doesnt feel vulnerable and can be completely open about the issue.

The other feature of the project is that you can also contact and chat with relevant professionals through our sub app chat to heal which will in turn help them with professional solution of the problem.

From professionals standpoint they would be willing to sign up on our portal because this will help them get patients to their clinic. In future we can monetise this by charging a percent commision from professionals for their client but thats way into the future.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Implementing and executing passport.js for user authentication.
  2. Using firebase to implement the Chat to Heal sub application.
  3. Connecting the main project with Chat to Heal sub application for seemless realtime conversation with professionals.
  4. Implementing Google based authentication in Chat to Heal application.
  5. Maintain the anonymity of the user.

Scalability and Monetization challenges for future deployment:

From professionals standpoint they would be willing to sign up on our portal because this will help them get patients to their clinic. In future we can monetise this by charging a percent commision from professionals for their client.

Challenge of verifying certification of professionals in the future:
We are planning to do that by using IPFS and smart contracts in the future.
Since, it is a 48 hours hackathon, so, we were not able to implement this due to the time constraint as it would have consumed a longer period of time to develop a demo worth presenting.


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