
A web app that will allow users with only a specific email e.g( @mnnit.ac.in )or company email that a admin can control, to log in and register, and to take part in group chat.



A web app that will allow users with only a specific email e.g( @mnnit.ac.in )or company email that a admin can control, to log in and register, and to take part in group chat.

The problem Connect solves

The main motive is to restrict unknown people from spamming groups. Because many a time we see unknown spammers spamming exclusive college groups which is really irritating, so why not allow only specific users to login. And Users after authenticating can create different groups for discussing different topics so there is no confusion and there will be a higher limit on the number of users logged in, and there will be no usage stickers and Gif's which are fairly distracting.
And users will be allowed to share Images and PDFs.

Challenges we ran into

The most challenging part in creating this web app was passing the UID of the logged-in user to different components of the app, and also managing states of our web app and for especially solving this problem we had to learn redux and then implement it in our web app. and next challenging part is storing PDF and Images in firestore database and then again rendering it in our web app on which we are working.
