Created on 4th December 2022
The main dilemmas of Web2, or traditional, credential issuance are privacy infringement, data security issues, inefficiency, lack of portability, and loss.
So here is why decentralized off-chain credential data is needed.
Identity holder: User
Verifier: Web3 Project
Issuer: Confimo
Existed project
Identity holder: User
Verifier and issuer: Credential Project
Verifier creates off-chain credentials and set up issuance process, then Confimo carries out the issuance process and issue off-chain credentials.
Existed projects need to verify and issue off-chain credential at the same time because they need to verify SNS accounts.
In our system, we assume SNS verified since Web3 projects have done giveaways
Since Confimo uses Web3 Project as a verifier, we don’t need to get SNS accounts to issue credentials. This produces the pure decentralized credential issuance system.
[Technology we used]
Polygon ID: We use Polygon ID for credential. Users create DID and ask claim after receiving giveaways from Web3 projects. We issue credential based on their community activities.
Worldcoin: Web3 projects can get KYC to avoid scammers and bots for rewards.
Our biggest challenges were
Tracks Applied (4)
Push Protocol
Technologies used