
A community for Coders...

The problem CompiCenter solves

Competitive coding is a major part of today's computer science engineering world. All the company recruitments and skillset judging are based on how people code and to be perfect we need to be practicing our skills by giving various coding exams and competitions and need to be regular at various coding platforms. The main problem that arises is not being aware of the various coding events being held currently or getting late to register for the upcoming ones. We aim to make a quite handy google chrome extension that can keep people updated with the ongoing and upcoming coding events of some major platforms like codechef, codeforces, gfg, leetcode, etc. We even made an IDE that allows you to share your code with other fellow coders and live code simultaneously.

Challenges we ran into

The challenges we faced were mainly importing various API and making the IDE in a way to allow live sharing of code.
