

The Ultimate Community platform for students who want to learn in a community at ZERO cost via free resources.

The problem CommComm solves

Current Problem

  • Ed-tech companies offers courses, but the real value is in the community which they provide and, the course material is pretty average everywhere. The community they provide (at a cost) is full of learners who are passionate to learn and build their skills,

  • Many individuals who are not capable of buying such courses, end up watching Free YouTube Videos / Playlists which is a great resource for learning, BUT that path is pretty lonely, millions of students are learning through these free resources but the main thing is they are learning alone, not with a community :(

The Solution

A community platform where the user can create a community for a specific free course that he/she is following, through this user will still learn from the Free Resources but, with a community, with friends, with learning partners, which is far far better than learning alone, cause in a community, the user will have accountability, friends to share progress, a perfect place to build strong connections


1. Students can create an account using:
a. Email and Password
b. Sign up with Google or Facebook

2. Students can create a community in 3 steps -> Name, Category, Subcategory

3. Every Community has 6 core features, which are:
1. Post Section: to upload videos, images, captions posts
2. Group Chat: to have a productive chat with members
3. Courses: Admin can create a course via YT ID, each course will have several paths depending on the course duration. Each Path has multiple options like mark/attend class, claim coin.
4. Classes: Admin can create a class for a specific path.
5. Community Leaderboard
6. Community About Section

4. Explore page for communities, posts and courses:

5. Gamification

  1. Students can earn coins by creating an account, attending more classes, and building communities.
  2. Student can climb the global leaderboard by having more coins

6. Profile page

Challenges I ran into

Challenge 1 - Managing a lot of states across 15+ pages

It was a new challenge for me to manage this type of states which was complex in nature as well as multiple in numbers, for example handling data from Sever Side, storing it in redux on the client side and on two different layouts, and further checking whether it state is present or not on every page. On every action, for example, user joining/leaving the community, like the post, creating a class, etc, I have to update multiple states which are very inter-dependent, that was a challenge, and I was facing a lot of troubles and bugs every another time cause of one state is updated but another one which is dependent on the first having the old data, but I got the solutions by refactoring my states and redux in different layouts, and by making them less dependent on each other.

Challenge 2 - Creating paths with options based on course duration

My requirement was to create multiple paths which were based on the course duration, for example, Student has decided to create a course that has 15 days of duration, our app should create 15 different paths for that course, and every path has various options like, create class, attend class, mark complete and claim coins for that specific path. This feature was very difficult for me, it took me almost 2-3 days to implement it properly, I achieve this by using multiple loops, multiple functions for finding the next path to unlock, marking the current path complete, and claiming coins on attending classes.

Tracks Applied (1)


Replit helped in various ways in the building process and my CommComm project fits under Replit Track, cause of the foll...Read More

