College Predictor

We at https://collegepredictor.ml have a web-app that predicts your Rank and the colleges with the branches based on your Percentile


College Predictor

We at https://collegepredictor.ml have a web-app that predicts your Rank and the colleges with the branches based on your Percentile

The problem College Predictor solves

We all have given Joint Entrance Exam and the recent introduction of NTA has also brought the Percentile system.
A percentile is difficult to predict your rank or college and we all wanted to know what colleges
We don't ask the user for any of their details which our competitors do just for the sake of using it.
We plan to Open Source it to open it to others to contribute and make this even better for the year 2021.

Challenges we ran into

Cleaning the dataset was a huge challenge and took almost a day as the data was pretty messed up in terms of same branched having different names for different colleges.
We also ran into trouble while deploying as we did not consider scaling it before so we had to manage Search Engine Optimization as well as 100% compatibility
Also we made a mistake from our end that is we forgot about the mobile friendly version thus we basically made the front end almost again to make it what it looks now that is finally responsive enough
