College Mate

Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.

The problem College Mate solves

Our app has 3 amazing components that will make your college life much much easier! An Activity Log where in you can save all your pending tasks and view them on the fly. Completing them gives you a sense of accomplishment. An Expense Tracker to track all your income.It will help you to plan your expenses accordingly. No more waiting for the start of the month to plan a party! Oh damn i missed this contest again!! Ever been through this? Dont worry we got you covered with our Contest Tracker App that will give you the list of all the ongoing as well as upcoming contests in so that you wont miss any contests!

Challenges we ran into

We faced an issue while deploying our app on GitHub pages, then we switched to Netlify to deploy.
After deploying our app on Netlify, firebase authentication for google sign-in wasn't working, so then we fixed it by adding our app domain to firebase.
We tried to add a filter on the contest page to filter the contests according to particular platforms, but it wasn't working so we dropped the idea due to lack of time.
We faced an issue while making the activity log page responsive.
Also, we faced issues in adding user auth to the database.
