College Management Portal

A one-stop portal to make students' campus life more efficient, interactive and productive.

The problem College Management Portal solves

Ever felt it would be handier to have all the activities of the institute in one place? Well, this website portal has got your back! From lodging complaints about mess food, civil and hygiene in the hostel which will directly be addressed by the hostel office, to obtain materials for your courses, mess menu, dates of every fest and event happening in the institute, you can find everything pertaining to your campus life. We have focussed on three major issues which are student-related, college-related, and hostel-related.
Student-related: Getting the right people to collaborate at the right time is often tough, more so when the semester goes on virtually. This is our attempt to provide a directory of our students which supports search based on skills, positions of responsibilities, student activities, and, of course, branch and year. The portal supports workflow for endorsed profiles, robust reporting for spam-prevention, sign-up control, and has a pretty UI.

College-related: Students will be provided with a timetable based on their course and batch. The portal also provides the opportunities to share resources like previous year question papers, reference guides, etc which will be a great help for the upcoming batches. Also, a daily calendar is present which lists all the important events happening on that particular day.

Hostel-related: Students face a lot of issue with hostel facilities and they lack a proper platform to raise their issues so to solve that issue we have a created a platform to raise issues which will be visible to all the students and hostel warden. Students who face similar problems can upvote the issue to increase its impact. Another cool feature is due to very limited sports equipment in the hostel, we created a platform where students can issue particular equipment and also return it.

Challenges we ran into

The major challenge we faced was regarding the authentication process. We were new to the OAuth procedure, we used open resources to know about OAuth and then we implemented it.

We have multi-level referencing in one of the Monog Schmea populating those and extracting the exact information was a challenge. We used Mongoose Documentation for rectifying that. Also sending email to the user was also a problem which we have rectified using sendgrid package.
