College Locator

Student In Need College Locator Indeed

Created on 13th March 2022


College Locator

Student In Need College Locator Indeed

The problem College Locator solves

Every year students take admissions into the various universities in our country. In our Application students can easily filter and view colleges according to their desired preferences.One of the major factors while college selection is college campus, In our Application students can explore the campus virtually by virtual tour this will save time and money.

Challenges we ran into

We faced various kinds of challenges not only in development but also in using pre-built development tools some of those are as below

  1. During backend development at first we decided to use postgres as a plain database but because we need to provide the results based on location we need to have some method to do that in the database layer only so we added extension ie. PostGIS to postgres to get around that.
  2. During front end development one of our team members fell into an issue that android studio is not compiling the code but the same code is working on the laptop of other team members so we get around that by updating android studio.


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