From all-nighters to all-righters: Simplifying college life for you!

The problem COLLEGE HACKS 101 solves

At College Hacks 101, we understand that college can be a challenging and overwhelming experience, especially for new students. That's why we created this website as a central hub for all the resources and support students need to thrive in college.
College Hacks 101 help students :
Access schedule of upcoming events, seminars and competitions(academic , social and cultural)
Internships and job opportunities segregated at one place
Building a community with current college students and alumni
Promoting blog writing and making the blog available to all college students
Latest news and updates about the college societies , college's achievements and college's placement
Reaching out to the administration in case students are facing any major problem

Challenges I ran into

As a college fresher I had limited technical understanding . It took a lot of brainstorming sessions and research to get started with frontend development using replit.
I couldn't make the login/signup section of the website responsive as I had just started with html and css
I am still ideating , learning frontend and backend development to make my website fully working.

Tracks Applied (1)


Built and published on Replit

