The problem CollegeBuddy solves revolves around two common challenges faced by college students. Firstly, it addresses the difficulty in team formations for collaborative projects, hackathons, and study groups. Often, students struggle to find teammates with the necessary skill sets. CollegeBuddy streamlines this process by offering a platform where students can connect with others based on their skills and interests.
Secondly, the platform resolves the issue of missed opportunities. Many valuable off-campus opportunities like scholarships, events, internships, and job prospects are dispersed across multiple platforms, causing students to miss out on these crucial prospects. CollegeBuddy gathers and updates these opportunities regularly, ensuring that students remain informed and can capitalize on them for their academic and professional growth
The development of CollegeBuddy presented us with various challenges that required innovative solutions and dedication:
Tracks Applied (3)
Major League Hacking
Major League Hacking
Major League Hacking