College Attendance System

This project uses the immutability and the added security a blockchain offers and is an attendance system with a contract written in solidity deployed on Ethereum.


College Attendance System

This project uses the immutability and the added security a blockchain offers and is an attendance system with a contract written in solidity deployed on Ethereum.

The problem College Attendance System solves

In classes with huge number of students , it becomes hard for the professor as well as the students to give verbal attendance or attendance on a paper. This project attempts to solve this problem by making a proxy free attendance system with minimal wastage of time. Professors and students alike can benefit from this project as a blockchain can't be manipulated by any one at any point of time. The students just have to login and give their attendance.

Challenges we ran into

It was our first blockchain project, we ran into many errors. Especially in connecting using Rfc link in ethers. I spent an hour trying to figure out why a state change transaction wasn't going through only to realize that I had given the wrong wallet ID. It was a very challenging yet enriching experience all at the same time. We as a team learnt a lot and are now confident to tackle a web3 hackathon in the future.
Looking forward to more errors, more learning , constant improvement.

Tracks Applied (2)

Ethereum + Polygon Track

The project is deployed on ethereum test net.


Ethereum Track

The project is deployed on ethereum test net.

