Created on 3rd April 2020
In the disastareous spread of Covid19 worldwide , it is important to be updated with the information about this virus , such as precautions and symptoms. And Covid-19 bot is here for the same. In times like these it is important sthat people get infomation regarding this virus , and as not everyone is the kind of person to read a 30 page pdf to get the basic knowledge , This interactive bot will deliever the information to users , saving time , making it easier in this time of parademic , and spreading the information to help everyone be cautious. As of now the bot is capable of sharing information regarding the topic such as symptoms, spread,preacautions , affects , etc of the novel Covid19. And if worked upon we can also add functions such as lastest news and live tracker to our bot so as to make it a go-to-chat-bot for everyone.
There were a lot of bugs , apart from that we tested the accuracy of our model at different number of hidden layers and chose the best one, getting lots and lots of data and writing them in a specific manner, some error related to tensorflow and tflearn.
The program also depends on system to system as the tensorflow library hugely depend on the python version. The code runs perfectly in python3.6 with tensorflow version=1.14.0. We also dealt with errors regarding the accuracy and precision of our model. One major problem was to collect around 30k words of data to train our model and to organise it our way. Another one was to select a model with a balance of accuracy, precision and recall. We helped each other as a team to overcome these errors , we also took help from youtube , Stackoverflow and ofcourse our beloved google. We sat for hours and divided the work in parts per person so as to make the process smoother and more efficient.
Technologies used