

Emerge, Coordinate and Create

Created on 10th June 2023



Emerge, Coordinate and Create

The problem Cohere solves

Cohere gives every individual a way to start funding a vision of what we collectively care about and to coordinate everyone to bring this vision into reality.

The platform blends several fundraising strategies with a way to effectively direct the funds by leveraging Quadratic Voting and payment channels in a seamless way.

Cohere is not just about funding visions anyway; it's about involving everyone in the process. Once a vision is funded, individuals are encouraged to propose their ideas to contribute to the project. These proposals outline specific projects and budgets required to achieve them. Cohere then provides a transparent and democratic platform where participants can collectively decide on the allocation of funds for the tasks.

Cohere enables:

  • Decentralization of expression: freedom to make visions emerge and gather around them
  • Decentralization of contribution: people can help realize what they believe in while they learn and grow
  • Decentralizaton of funding: funding comes from different sources, from staking to donation

Challenges we ran into

User Experience: limited amount of research and testing possible in a short timeframe,
Frontend development: first time working with the new update of Next.js and Wagmi / Wallet Connect
Backend and Solidity: How to design contracts in a way that they are composable (NFT as owner of a DAO, potential of using Lens Protocol, Mechanics and Implementation of Quadratic Voting)

Tracks Applied (2)

Regenerative Finance & Decentralized Economies

gives a way of coordinating the production of the visions we care about in the world

Social Impact

it allows people to participate in the projects they care to see realized in the world and helps to fundraise them at th...Read More


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