

One Stop, All of Coding



One Stop, All of Coding

The problem CodeHub solves

1)Imagine you’re a beginner at programming and while learning an idea strikes. You hurry into your IDE and start coding, only to run into an error, with no idea how to fix it. There go hours of your time as you scour article after article. Amidst your 17 open tabs, a sense of confusion starts to set in and the idea that fueled your initial interest starts to lose steam. But what if instead of 17 tabs you had to open just 1?

  1. This is the promise of CodeHub as it provides one central hub for all of coding.

3)Learn about the basic syntax of any language through our well-documented syntax, then hop into our online IDE to start coding.

4)Ran into an error and can’t seem to solve it on your own? Fret not. CodeHub’s ‘Debug Code’ feature utilizes AI to debug the code. So you can learn from your mistakes and save hours of your time.

5)Found a solution online but don’t seem to understand it? No need to look up explanations. Simply use CodeHub’s ‘Explain Code’ feature to get a clear understanding of what each part does

6)CodeHub teaches through illustrating via ‘Generate Code’: In this, you just type instructions in English, and with the press of a button, the code will be generated. Just like that!

7)And this is where the ‘hub’ nature of CodeHub truly shines, as ‘Generate Code’ can be used in conjunction with ‘Explain Code’ to explain the new code, while ‘Debug Code’ would help you find out the problems with your old approach. And all of this is achieved without leaving the site even once.

8)As CodeHub attracts more traffic, reliance on external datasets will cease. We would use data gathered from our own users to train the AI to make even better debugs and explanations.

9)With further development, CodeHub hopes to support more languages, making learning accessible to the widest possible audience.

10)Alternatives might have existed before, but never has everything been integrated into one central hub like this. With all this CodeHub aims to stand true to its motto

Challenges we ran into

We ran many challanges to intergrate API to make amzing hub.
