Created on 13th March 2021
Developers all around the world sit for hours in front of their screens to make life easier for all the people out there. But we often forget about our own health. Sitting in one place for long hours is equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes. It increases the risks of heart diseases.Though the health issues may be mild but if not treated in time they may have many adverse affects.These can be easily avoided by regular short exercises and breaks. So, Code Health presents you with a set of questions and judges the type of workout you need based on your answers. These are really short exercises that will hardly take 5 mins but will surely keep you healthy in the long run.
Since we are beginners in the world of hacking,we faced several obstacles in terms of technical know how and time constraints.This was the first hackathon for us, so lack of familiarity was a major challenge.Since this was completely online, coordinating and discussing ideas and views among teammates was another challenge The major problems we faced while making this app was to find relevant questions that can judge the condition with as much accuracy possible and bring forward to you the right workout.