COD Smart Prep

COD Smart Prep

A one stop solution for all your job interview preparations. Learn on the go with the power of AI backing your career.

The problem COD Smart Prep solves

Usually interview preparation is a very tedious and time consuming process. People often require a good mentorship from someone who knows about the process and can guide them to cracking their dream jobs. The internet has plenty of resources but they give up very easily because of the lack of mentorship. This is where COD Smart Prep steps in. Our webapp provides modern and high tech approach to this kind of mentorship using a lot of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Models. This makes the whole process of preparation very time effiecient. We provides mentoring services right from the resume screening process upto the actual interview. The resume screening gives the user and insight into how the companies use ATS to shortlist resume. The AI not only accepts/rejects the resume but also judges the level of the resume for a particular job profile. This will be of great help to the people because they can get their resume screened by a top notch ATS at any time with additional inputs for improvements as well.
Then comes the mock interview process wherin an user can give an interview in front of the camera and the AI will be the one asking the question. This AI chatbot asks questions which are also relevant to the user. This is done by studying the resume and framing questions based on the same. This makes the interview questions very alike to the ones that may be asked in a regular interview. After the completion of the mock interview, various ML models are used to judge the performance of the user based on parameters like proper posture, gestures speech clarity and soundness.
The user can give multiple interviews to work on his/her weaknesses before exposing themselves to the actual job interview.
Thus making our web application a ONE-STOP Place for all your Interview Preparations.

Challenges we ran into

Usually the questions available on the web for mock interviews or blog are static and customized to the user's resume. This was quite a task since we wanted to make the preparation user-centric. This was eventually achieved by framing the questions based on the entities identified in the resume.
