

Give Your Stuff , The Space They Deserve

The problem CloudHome solves

Our project aims to solve 3 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) i.e. SDG no. 11,9, and 12.

Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities -> By optimising land use and providing storage solutions.
Goal 9 - Industry, innovation, and Infrastructure -> In future we can scale up our project and provide speedy deliveries to facilitate industrial processes as well as enhance consumer satisfaction.
Goal 12 - Responsible Consumtption and Production -> Our project helps in efficient use of land resources, wherein the owner can monetize from the unused lands and properties while the buyer can utilise the space for his own use.

Challenges we ran into

We faced issue while debugging and integrating frontend and backend. We also faced difficulty in the early phase of the hackathon where we weren't able to divide the workload upon each member propoerly. After overcoming all these problems, we finally faced the problem of lack of time management, due to which we couldnt bring our full potential in front of the jury.

Technologies used
