CloudGhost - Cloud Forensic & Security Tool

CloudGhost - Cloud Forensic & Security Tool

A Powerful Cloud Forensic Engine & Analytics Platform, built for Developers by the Developers. ❤️

The problem CloudGhost - Cloud Forensic & Security Tool solves

We are simplifying Cloud Infrastructure Analytics by providing RealTime Benchmarks & Audit Logging. By Providing more than 500+ Compliances Reports across different Cloud Providers, we are enhancing about 20-30% of the Costing Reduction. Also providing Cloud Forensic & Security Reports, we are preventing further Data breaches & Carbon emissions.

Our ready-to-use WebHooks and RESTApis are always ready to intergrate and deploy on any part of your Organization & Cloud Requirements.

Challenges we ran into

  1. So initially we started coding the UI through the flutter framework but then we realized the model we were developing was too complex to code with flutter so we instantly decided to code it in react.js

  2. The Backend Engine Faced too many Kernal Level Side Problems. NodeJS Event Loop was unsuitable to handle concurrency as its output buffer size is more than 100+mb.

  3. Due to some problems we're limited to only 1vCPU & 1GiB Ram EC2. So it was very challenging to test and deploy applications on such ec2.

  4. Replacing Python ends us to giving up concurrency on the Engine Side. But we somehow figure it out by creating multiple python app servers and load-balancing all of the requests using Nigix.

  5. Data Streaming from Kenrel to App Server was the most challenging

Tracks Applied (2)

Security & Audit

Because we are checking Audit, that's what we do...

Cloud & Dev-Ops

You may now have an idea why this is a cloud product xd!
