One stop solution for Class Management with a celestial touch

The problem CLASSTELLER solves

Managing a class of 70 students can be a tedious task. There are numerous things to be managed like class schedule, attendance, assignment submissions , student details and much more. Therefore an efficient class management system is the need of the hour. CLASSTELLAR is a one stop solution for all the above needs. With CLASSTELLAR gives teachers the opportunity to manage attendance, student profiles, classes, schedules and much more. It also helps students to easily access class details and even provide feedback and ratings that too in an efficient and user friendly manner. Having a chat support is a cherry on top for all student needs.
At last a celestial touch to our project enhances the user interface and helps user explore the beauty of night sky.

Challenges we ran into

CLASSTELLAR is our first ever real world project using FIGMA.
We were new to the software, as a result we faced some challenges. Since each team member made diffrenet pages on their own sysytems,we faced difficulty in connecting them together. Creating a drop down menu was new to us so we found that hard. We also faced problems while working on chat feature but we got through all these challenges by asking doubts from mentors and pushing ourselves to learn and add something new. Our zeal and zest to design and build didn't let us stop and helped overcome all these challenges.

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Technologies used
