Civic Resolution Sentinel (C R S)

Civic Resolution Sentinel (C R S)

"Catalyzing Change in Silence: Empowering Voices, Protecting Identities"

The problem Civic Resolution Sentinel (C R S) solves

In the context of numerous publicly listed companies, the potential for higher-level scams and embezzlement poses a significant challenge for lower-level employees who may be aware of such activities. The fear of reprisal, including threats to their livelihoods, job security, and personal safety, creates a culture of silence and perpetuates an environment where critical information remains concealed. This pervasive atmosphere of fear and intimidation not only hinders the exposure of fraudulent practices but also undermines the integrity and transparency of the entire organizational structure.anonymous whistleblower system serves as a vital tool in empowering and protecting the identities of those who wish to disclose sensitive information. By offering a secure platform that ensures the confidentiality of whistleblowers, this system enables individuals to report malpractices, financial irregularities, and ethical breaches without the fear of retribution or retaliation. It provides a lifeline for employees who have critical insights into fraudulent activities, creating a pathway for them to safely bring such issues to the attention of the relevant authorities or regulatory bodies.The anonymous whistleblower system acts as a shield, safeguarding the whistleblowers from potential repercussions and creating a culture of accountability and transparency within the organization. It encourages the exposure of critical information that can lead to necessary investigations, regulatory interventions, and corrective actions. By instilling a sense of security and trust, this system not only protects the whistleblowers but also contributes to the overall improvement of corporate governance, ethical standards, and the long-term sustainability of the organization.

Challenges we ran into

So we faced issues integrating the frontend part and the avalance. We vistited the booth and they helped fixing that. Then we had issues in worm hole while converting other tokens into avalanche which we fixed by refering youtube videos. Initially the intent was to use Sui network but we faced issues in account abstraction due to complexities in platform. We also tried implementing Push Protocol but due to lack of credits provided from their side we couldn't implement that.

Tracks Applied (1)

Wormhole Track

So we used it to convert ethereum to avalanche.

