
NLP powered Minimal and Feature-Rich Text Editing cross-OS application.

The problem CiteWrite solves

Content writers usually spend a lot of time looking for resources on the internet to get their facts right. Their process involves switching windows, opening a new tab, using a search engine and finally sorting out what sources to consider. CiteWrite solves this by utilizing the power of Natural Language Processing and searching the website to load resources for the user on the other half of the screen

Challenges we ran into

Lack of resources for search engines. None of them were free or were very limited in various aspects. We got over it by using the Wikipedia API which is a very huge source for factual information rather than searching over the internet. Another problem was to make an application for the writers who use variety of operating systems. So while maintaining one same codebase we managed to make the app available for all major OS's which include Windows, Linux and MacOS
