Created on 7th November 2020
The problem of issuing and verifying digital certificates has emerged with more competitions, seminars and various events being held online and as for these online events physical certificates can not be issued. So, we have come up with the solution to this issue by using a Blockchain based software solution to issue digital certificates. This solution reduces a lot of efforts and time spent on generating and issuing online certificates.
With Issuing digital certificates the problem of fake certificates also comes into picture. To overcome this problem, we used Blockchain technology which accounts for the issues of security and trust in several ways. Thus using Blockchain, we ensure the security of the certificates as the certificates are stored in an encrypted format which no one can access without the hash for that certificate. To store and retrieve information about digital certificates, our application use the Ethereum blockchain. The storage of certificates on the ledger makes the records immutable, ensuring that no one can alter the details of the certificates issued. Using same platform we can add more types of certificates and different marksheets.
We faced some issues in using Web3.js in React. We fixed it by using the React Context API.