
A virtual aid that comes in handy for the tedious school admission process faced by parents for their children. Select the best for your child by choosing us, ChoosingWise.

The problem ChooseWise solves

During this pandemic, all have been in a constant stalemate and are also afraid to step out due to this pandemic, this is a reason we are providing an AID to the hectic admission process for a parent in a virtual medium. So, our idea is to provide a platform that will compare various schools in that region and help people get what they exactly want. The entire admission process will be virtual so that they need not go for any physical meetups from school to school and can get their best by sitting at their home. This idea will save time, will be less hectic for parents, will give the best for the student, will help to avoid physical presence at an unknown place, and will make this task easier and simpler.

Our Product - ChooseWise

ChooseWise has three-interfaces: the Main Website, the SmartPredict and a Versatile Chatbot

ChooseWise Website :

Our website will be holding a list of schools for that particular region now parents can select any school to
view the details such as school infrastructure, ratings, about the school activities, its reviews, its
achievements and fee structure as well.With a proficient search feature After comparing different schools under the same platform any parent can be sure as to
which school he should opt for

SmartPredict :

It is a web-app that makes use of Machine learning inorder to determine whether a student will be able to get into the School Admission Process based on metrics such as their PCMB scores, SS scores, their CGPA and other relevant information. Also, there is a detailed Analysis of past records and data for the parents to witness so that they choose the best for their children

Chatbot :

A versatile and helpful chatbot will be present on our webpage for the aid of the users.Best feature of the bot is that it listens to your audio and responds accordingly.This makes it hands free and helps it to function without texting.A feature which increases our communication with the users.

Challenges we ran into

Coming to the first interface of our product, the entire website was designed using ejs,css and scss.This was a great challenge as it was a major task to level up the design of the site without using any additional framework. The 'Filter' and the Search feature were a first time for us. The Backend used was configured by MySQL for all the values used in the website.

The second interface was SmartPredict, a smart ML webapp which can predict the probability of a student getting into his dream school. The number 1 hurdle was to deploy it.Juggling between Flask and Streamlit, we finally chose the later for its easy to use UI and also the fact that the entire site runs on python.Also, for the prediction we had a hard time deciding between Random Forest Regressor and Linear Regression.

Lastly, the very important feature of our Chatbot was a first time for us. Whats special about this is that is takes input as audio(user's voice) and hence answers according to its understanding. The chatbot as well as the Speech Recognition API was a feature we testes for the first time this hackathon.
