

Connecting heart building family

The problem Nurture solves

Child Adoption Portal

Our Child Adoption Portal helps connect parents who wish to adopt with NGOs that facilitate the adoption process. Here's how it works:

For Parents:

  1. Submit Forms: Parents fill out forms on the portal, providing information about themselves and their desi

For NGOs:

  1. Receive Applications: NGOs receive adoption applications submitted by parents through the portal.
  2. Review Applications: NGOs review the applications to ensure they meet the necessary criteria for adoption.
  3. Matchmaking: Based on the information provided by parents and the available children, NGOs facilitate the matchmaking process, pairing suitable parents with children.


  • Efficiency: Streamlines the adoption process by digitizing paperwork and facilitating communication between parents and NGOs.
  • Transparency: Provides transparency throughout the adoption process, ensuring that both parents and NGOs have access to relevant information.
  • Safety: Enhances safety by verifying the authenticity of both parents and NGOs, creating a secure environment for the adoption process.
  • Accessibility: Increases accessibility to adoption services, allowing parents from different locations to connect with NGOs and explore adoption opportunities.

Overall, the Child Adoption Portal aims to make the adoption process easier, safer, and more transparent for both parents and NGOs, ultimately helping more children find loving and caring homes.

Challenges we ran into

Database Management:

Utilize a robust database system to efficiently store and manage adoption-related data, including information about children, adoptive parents, agencies, and adoption progress.
Difficulty to integrate neurelo with Android (kotlin) .
Difficulty to integrate Vonage meeting api.
Security Measures:

Employ industry-standard encryption protocols to secure sensitive data such as personal information of children and adoptive parents.
User-Friendly Features:

Simplified registration and profile creation process for both adoptive parents and agencies.
Streamlined Adoption Process:

Automated notifications and reminders to keep adoptive parents informed about important milestones and deadlines in the adoption process.

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Technologies used
