5 Doubts-1 Solution

5 Doubts-1 Solution

'5 Doubts-1 Solution' is a One-Stop destination for any student who is stuck at any point and has questions related to it. Simply just ask, and get it all at your own convenience.


The problem 5 Doubts-1 Solution solves

'5 Doubts-1 Solution' especially caters to the students of various sectors. The website has 2 portals, one for the ‘Experts’ and the other for the ‘Students’. Experts can register on our site by uploading their relevant field of expertise with a proof/degree for the same. The expert's score gets initialized as 0 as it has yet not solved any doubts. On the other side of the site, Students can register on our site and ask doubts related to their curriculum. The experts on their portal view all the doubts uploaded by various students across the site. Experts who know the solution to the doubt can answer them. The student who had asked the doubt can view all the solutions provided to that one question by all the experts who had answered it. The student can then select one or multiple correct answer which solved the problem or the doubt. The expert whose solution was chosen to be right gets his/her score/rating increased. Also to include anonymity of the students and the teachers, RegEx is implememted with the help of which personal details like phone number, email id etc cannot be shared. The front end was designed by me on Figma, coded using React with the help of various CSS libraries, backend using NodeJS, ExpressJS and the database used was MongoDB.

Challenges I ran into

Since it was bi-portal (consisting of 2 portals), there was a lot of back and forth and passing of various different parameters from one side of the site to the other, which many a times gave rise to a number of errors, but I eventually solved them.
