As you must have seen in rural areas and undeveloped regions with no proper Healthcare facilities, it is difficult to contact and find Healthcare officials in time of need. The only treatment available is through either a phone call or video call, that too, if they have any luck in finding a doctor. Also, prescription provided doesn't guarantee reliability since doctors are not really certified or well educated.
Due to lack of proper treatment, the mortality rate, as has been seen, is increasing.
So we, team inferno have come up with a solution to combine Healthcare and assistitve technology by creating a program comprising of a chatbot that will accept and ask for symptoms of the person as input and store their medical history.
After examining the symptoms, it will provide a list of specialized experts near us. The person can contact any one of the listed experts. The doctor will then prescribe medication which the user can input on the chatbot to validate and check the accuracy and reliability of the prescription.
This solution if well executed and implemented properly will prove a boon to under privileged communities.
If we can help and save even one person's life, this will serve our purpose.
Creating a chatbot was not an easy task for us, most of the proper chatbots are created using Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning . Being from the 1st year while creating this project we did not have knowledge about AI and ML still we looked on the resources available on the internet and tried to implement it in the given 24 hour which unfortunately was not successfull, but we did create a platform to some what extent.
In Future, we look onto properly implementing this project by the using AI,ML and cyber security all together also by adding support for multiple languages for its easy environtment friendly use.Therefore,making the neccessary chnages in the program code for its efficient use in rural or undeveloped regions
Technologies used