Created on 15th January 2023
The project is inspired by playstation 2 games,trying to give a touch to old school retro games by using computer vision and creating a more immersive experience for the user.
In the game, we are converting a real 3D world enviorment into 2D Co-ordinates on the screen,in which the camera/eye of person driving would be the centre of our 3D world, In our 2D screen we needed the centre at the centre of the screen,since taking the centre anywhere else could give us negative z coordinates in the real world i.e. the object is behind the viewer so it would not be printed on the pygame the centre is at the top left though and we didnt account for this and had to suffer afterwards as we encouetered a bug where the object dissapeared off the screen. so we used shifting of origin and rotation of axis to bring our centre to the centre of screen.
In our image detection, we are using a ratio of rgb values which is g/(r+b) to detect the green colour, but black colour also has an extreme value for the ratio,so,we added a brightness threshold check for it.
Tracks Applied (2)
Technologies used