

See the line by line execution of your Cairo code - a tenderly for Cairo.

Built at ETHIndia Grants 2.0


See the line by line execution of your Cairo code - a tenderly for Cairo.

The problem Charged solves

We are trying to bring all the above features (and some more) to Cairo and Starknet. Here’s how our tool looks like as of today

  1. Enter the compiled Cairo 0 contract code
  2. The code calculated the trace and memory binaries based on how the segments and registers are used
  3. The code interprests the debug information and combines it with the trace and memory
  4. Renders a human readable UI where the user can interact with the code and see how the registers are changed with every line of the Cairo code.

Challenges I ran into

Giving users the ability to debug their contracts is a little difficult. You need to understand how the VM works and how the registers are manupilated, only then can you show the line by line execution of the Cairo code. This was definitely the biggest challenge I ran into when implementing the line by line tracer for Cairo 0. Apart from this, I also had to learn rust, Cairo and other Starknet

Technologies used

Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
