Created on 8th January 2023
Trust is one of the main challenges affecting the Web3 industry. How can you trust a person’s reputation in a system designed to be trustless? Let's look at the Education Industry, a person can easily lie about their certificates, job profiles and work experiences on the resume. There is difficulty to track whether a person has valid credentials on his/her profile. There needs to be a way for anyone to easily verify the credentials of a person
We tackle this problem using SoulBound Tokens. Soulbound tokens (SBTs) refer to digital identity tokens that represent the characteristics or reputation of a person or entity.
Businesses could take a peek into someone’s Soul Wallet to verify the graduating status of an applicant, or their various certifications.Soulbound tokens representing a candidate’s educational credentials like degree and professional certificates and previous work history can be used as proof of skill to meet the human resource needs of an organization.
Making Valid use of Sbts: There are numerous applications of SBT's, we think that using SBT's as a proof of skill could solves one of the biggest challenges in today's world. Universities can issue graduation certificates as a SBT to students.
Security: How can we make sure, a valid corporation/ entity is issuing SBT. We think that by using multi-sig wallet, atleast 2 or 3 signatures will be required on a hierarchical basis to issue a valid SBT. Since this is a prototype model, we plan to implementing this feature in future.
Which Wallet: We can use lens protocol to issue SBT, so that a user can showcase their resume/reputation on his lens profile. Since this is a prototype model, we plan to implementing this feature in future.