Certify API

This project is an API where people can integrate in their web app to generate, fetch and verify certificates.

The problem Certify API solves

This project is an API where people can integrate in their web app to generate, fetch and verify certificates. Users can signup, get credentials and can integrate the API in their application. Using this API people can generate certificates and distribute them to the participants. Not only that using this API people can work in organization mode where group of people can combinedly edit, add and generate certificates. The certification generation process is automated with few templates added in it where organizers need to provide few details of participants inorder to generate the certificate. The so generated certificates come with a unique QR code which can be scanned inorder to verify if the certificate is valid or not. Participants can download their certificates with event code and participant id provided. Additional features include emailing of certificate where participants can request emailing of the certificate, which will automatically sent to the user. Bulk events, certificates can also be requested from a specific username and password when developing a web app. All the certificates, events generated by a specific user are sent in json format.

Challenges we ran into

Uploading images into firebase was one of the major difficulty we came accross. Wokring with postgres and django was a little tricky
