
A decentralised service for creating and verifying certificates



A decentralised service for creating and verifying certificates

The problem Certify solves

Trust Issues

Fake degrees and certificates have always been a huge problem in the education sector. For years, corrupted insitutions have supplied fake certifications. Fake certificates can be back dated and produced at free will without any easy way to verify them.
To solve such problems, it is necessary for the services to be decentralised as centralised services can not always be trusted.

Do not trust

Our application removes the factor of trust by providing unique hashes for certificates which can be used to check the details such as the certificants' name and the issuer. Colleges can register with the dapp and submit their public keys of Metamask. Everytime someone wants to verify the issuer, the app fetches the issuers name according to the public key.

To sign a new certificate, the institute has to call the smart contract through our web3 app and pay the minimal transaction fee to the network. Doing so will sign the data with the public key of the institute and next time anyone can verify the certificate hash through the app.

Each certificate has a unique SHA256 hash calculated based on its contents. Any back-dated certificate can be identified by the time of issuing it.
