Created on 2nd November 2020
We thought of this idea of certificate generator because one of our team member is a member of organization and once was given a work to send participants of a workshop certificates of participation,but it became very cumbersome and tiring ,then we thought of this idea to create a certificate generator,till now it is in building phase as we are thinking to accompany multiple technologies in order to automate it , what we are thinking is to create a part which will keep track of the details of participants who not only have registered but also taken the workshop then we are thinking to store that data in a csv file(Mostly spreadsheet file) and converting that csv files to a json file (Basically creating an array of participants) then through use of map function will call our certificate generator which will choose any random template (For this we will take a random number b/w 1 to 9 and on the basis of that choosing one of the templates) and making a certificate, then through use of map again sending those certificates through a specific medium(Primarily email) to all the users.
Some of the challenges faced by us are first in the routing of components, the main problem was that as in our code all files are siblings of each other and there was no parent-child relationship between them, due to which it became very difficult to make a routing path between them, as if there would have been parent-child relationship then we would have simply called child element from parent element and all the stuff would be one "onClick event". The second problem we faced was to manipulate the image as what we were thinking is to write all the details we are getting from the user on an image but that was very difficult as for that we had to manipulate the image itself, and the last but not least problem we faced is of form validation, as we did not want to do that by primitive HTML expressions for validation, rather we wanted to use an npm package instead.
Technologies used