If there are huge patient's are in Queue for taking appointment then it makes hospital enviroment problem and hygiene also.
So this is harmful for ICU and critical disease paitents.
User authentication and authorization for both patient and doctors. A user friendly interface for booking appoinment and managing schedules. Integration with a database to store patient and doctor information. Integration with a messaging service to send reminders and notifications to patients and doctors. Security measures to product sensitive patient information. The ability to handle a large volume of appointment volumes, wait times, and other key metrics.
Overall, the goal of the appointment system is to streamlin the scheduling process and improve the patient experience by making it easier to book appointments and manage healthcare needs.
In this system first challenge that we have to face is Backend server Manage.
and Another challenge is connect to backend and frontend.
Google Translator Api was not out source .
the crucial challenge that we face create JWT tokens generator.
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