
Centauras is a google meet bot to make online classroom learning more effective for students.

Built at Hack 36 4.0

The problem Centauras solves

  1. Allowing students to focus in class rather than taking notes by providing generated smart notes based on the lecture which includes the lecture summary as well as pictures of the slides which contain information.
  2. Notifying when your name is called in class so you don’t miss out on anything important.
  3. Alerting if abusive language was used during the meeting.
  4. Aiding to make searching up information from the summary easier using speech to search.

Challenges we ran into

Removing unwanted images that contain useless information that can show up in the summary due to opening up of another software while transitioning from one slide to the next.

Working on the notification feature as recognizing names is hard if the pronunciation is poor when doing speech-to-text conversion.
