

Create and own a part of the Web3 world, in just 3 clicks

Created on 24th June 2023



Create and own a part of the Web3 world, in just 3 clicks

The problem Celitra solves


is an app that lets you step into the Web3 world, create and own AI-generated NFT based on a simple Text Prompt without the need of creating any EOA wallet or reading up on any Web3 jargon. Enter and make the Web3 ecosystem yours, just like Web2.

Need for the product

What keeps people from entering Web3 is

  1. Lack of understanding of wallet creation and seedless phrases management
  2. Jargon surrounding Minting, NFTs, Proof-of-Stake and a million terms that seem intimidating
  3. Aversion to making payments or adding fiat money due to less understanding of how crypto payments work
  4. Does not seem fun


No need for Wallet Creation or Seed Phrase Remembering powered by Particle Auth

- Users can log in directly through Web2 Social logins like Facebook, Google, SMS and Email etc. - Powered by Particle Auth, logging in to Celitra is no different than logging onto any other web2 social platform - Social logins ensure users can have a seamless experience without having to worry about remembering seedless phrases.

Create your own NFT and mint it with one click with Particle Wallet

- No need to understand how Smart Contracts work - Users do not need to sign up anywhere and create a web3 wallet to be able to mint an NFT - Ownership of the user via NFT in just 3 clicks - Handled directly through Particle Wallet, allowing transactions of buying and selling assets

Everything executed with Zero Cost With Particle Network Account Abstraction

- The entire user flow requires no Credit card or wallet info - All transactions executed Gaslessly i.e. Sponsored with ParticleAuth AA wallets. - Easy minting on Polygon Mumbai Testnet

Image Creation With Stable Diffusion AI

- Enter a simple prompt to create an AI-powered Image ready to mint

Intuitive and Easy to understand User Interface with the look and feel of a Web2 application!

Challenges I ran into

  1. Adding Stable Diffusion AI to the project was new to me, since I hadn't fiddled with how ML models can be rendered to a website
  2. Trying to figure out the intricacies of how the interaction of smart Contracts works with the help of Ethers.js was filled with a lot of silly mistakes that took most of my debugging time.
  3. Integrating ParticleAuth Smart Account was a major roadblock, figuring out the how to make the functions valid in addition to setting up and checking on Biconomy Dashboard took some time to figure out.

Tracks Applied (1)

Particle Network

The Particle Network is the primary building block of making the application accessible to everyone just like a Web2 app...Read More

Particle Network


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