

We have designed a celestial version of original Spotify App which have features currently absent in the original app and also improves the user experience from the current spotify app.

The problem Celestify solves

we have design a celestial-themed user interface for a music streaming platform that replicates the features and functionality of Spotify. The UI include easy navigation, personalized recommendations, user-friendly search functionality, intuitive categorization of content, and high-quality audio playback. The celestial theme is integrated throughout the UI, with a color scheme and visual design that is consistent and visually appealing. Additionally, the UI include features such as customizable playlists, social sharing, and personalized radio stations.

Challenges we ran into

The major challenge we faced was to align all our ideas and concise them. We solved this by discussing the important features needed for the design and adding them first. We also faced problems in aligning our buttons so that they give a good user experience and do not look out of place. For this our mentor suggested auto layout which solved our problem. We found prototyping a major challenge and we solved it by learning about it from online resources.

Technologies used
