This project is for people who feel depressed .The bot will interact with user in a way a normal human does ,thus giving support. Also, will follow a planned schedule and make his own with time .

The problem HAPPY_U solves

During this pandemic the most common and major problem has been the MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE .
A survey says 1/3 of population felt need of mental health care during the pandemic
"Mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.” – Glenn Close In busy 21st century there has been deterioration in mental health of youngsters. Mental illness symptoms must be identified as early as possible as untreated symptoms continue and worsen over time. Globally, over a million people commit suicide every year. Approximately 2% of all worldwide deaths are suicides. In India ratio is threatening. Since, mental illness is not only a personal problem. It has influence on the person’s family, friends, job etc.

Our project is initiative to raise awareness about mental health and to lend a helping hand towards those who are going through rough time. The basic idea is to develop a space(platform) where one can talk openly about problems he/she is facing without revealing his/her identity. Moreover, we approach to help them in long terms by using a app to reschedule their life, so that they steady overcome this stage of life."

Challenges we ran into

Currently with the restriction of time , we have not been able to add the option of chat in the app where the different users will able to interact with each other with the anonymous identity .
Also,we will analyze the schedule set by users and thus , will keep updating the schedule
With time,we will add more features to our bot thus with help of that he will come to being a human as close as possible

Technologies used
