Created on 8th January 2023
Our decentralized application uses the Concordium ID layer to check if the minimum user age is at least 18 before proceeding with the transaction. If the age check is failed the transaction won't happen.
We have also written a smart contract that maintains a count of all the valid (age > 18) successful transactions as well as all the invalid (age < 18) transactions and displays it on the dApp.
While developing the project we first decided to run the node using docker which was very slow and the download would complete after 70 - 80 hours. Then we switched to the node provided by the concordium team.
While developing the dApp we were not able to invoke the ID layer request. After asking on the concordium-help channel on the SheBuilds discord server, the Concordium team shared very useful resources which led to us successfully configuring the ID layer.
Technologies used