Careeer Path

Our project is aimed at helping the students of rural India understand their true potential, and irrespective of thier geograhy have all the information need to study anywhere on the planet-NY or MI.

Created on 16th October 2021


Careeer Path

Our project is aimed at helping the students of rural India understand their true potential, and irrespective of thier geograhy have all the information need to study anywhere on the planet-NY or MI.

The problem Careeer Path solves

A Project that focuses on providing and guiding the students of rural India. It focuses on the different fields that a student whether studying in any of the classes from 8-12 can look into.

This Project Provides details about different streams such as science, commerce, arts.

We also provide different scholarships and examinations details as well as top university for that particular branch or course in India.

We have provided detailed information about different branches such as exam that you can appear, best colleges that you can shortlist and even the coaching centres you can look into for your preparations.
Even we have provided diploma courses and it's details

We also have a different portal for study abroad where any interested student , who wants to pursue their career in foreign lands , can go through for a proper path he/she should follow.

And lastly our project aims at providing quality information so that each and every student is helped in their own path to success.

Challenges we ran into

While developing our website, we ran into some minor bugs like linking wrong urls to pages, and while connecting databases. We solved both of these errors with the help of stackoverflow and youtube videos.

Another major problem we ran into was making the website responsive for different mobiles and tablets. We encountered a lot mis-orientations underneath our footer and on the margins. We overcame it through hardcoding media queries and sheer persevernce.

Also finding reliable websites for information of collges and courses was a difficult task as our aim was to make our website highly trustworthy, so we took the help of some mentors and seniors from the educational field, who helped us immensely in providing information which is accurate.

In this way we also learned the importance of research and how important quality is to any website. Also while deploying this website on heroku we faced some minor issues which we overcame with the help of youtube videos.


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