E-Governance for Everyone



E-Governance for Everyone

The problem जनCARE solves

Citizens often face challenges in reporting public service issues (e.g., broken roads,malfunctioning street lights). Existing reporting methods are often outdated and lack real-time feedback. Low public awareness about the reporting process and ongoing issues is also a challenge. Currently there are inadequate mechanisms for citizens to interact with local authorities and influence prioritisation. As a result authorities may also struggle to prioritise issues based on urgency and impact as current methods lack data-driven insights and direct public feedback.

Challenges we ran into

Getting HardHat and Polygon to work together with their conflicting dependencies.
Connecting Issues to Upvote Page to display submitted issues.
Connecting Issues.js to MetaMask and ensuring that MetaMask pops up and Etherum get deducted when clicking Submit.

Tracks Applied (1)

Polygon Track

i have used polygon to generate an id for every issue so that authorities can keep track of it

