Carbon Footprint Calculator

We are making a tool to calculate carbon footprint using CSS, HTML, jQuery, and JavaScript . Also notifies users of what the highest footprint activities are , and how to mitigate them.


Carbon Footprint Calculator

We are making a tool to calculate carbon footprint using CSS, HTML, jQuery, and JavaScript . Also notifies users of what the highest footprint activities are , and how to mitigate them.

The problem Carbon Footprint Calculator solves

We made this project to communicate the importance of environmental responsibity to people for a sustainable future. For this we created a website that calculates the carbon footprint on the basis of the user's electricity bill , gas bill , total miles travelled via personal vehicle , total international vacations and whether they recycle their newspapers or not. It would make the users aware about all the surprising factors that contribute to the amount of energy the person consume, because once you know what uses a lot of energy, you will know better how to reduce your footprint, and how to save yourself some cash too. Calculating your carbon footprint on an annual or even quarterly basis can help you engage with how you are consuming resources and make adjustments, big and small, that help keep us sustainable. Knowing your carbon footprint can let you plan on ways to focus on offsetting your carbon footprint, switching to a carbon neutral form of energy like wind or solar with a goal of being carbon neutral. The average worldwide carbon footprint is about 5 metric tons and the worldwide target to combat climate change is 2 metric tons . We should do our best to lower your carbon footprint in our own small ways.
