Carbon Counter

A website that measures CO2 emissions caused due to day-to-day individual consumption of fuel, electricity, etc.

The problem Carbon Counter solves

In present times, when not everyone is equally interested in contributing their part to the environment, Carbon Counter makes sure that the user keeps their consumption levels on check by carefully calculating the amount of CO2 levels emitted due to the various daily activities that they perform- commuting via their car to reach their workplace, using the kettle to get their morning coffee, using the hairdryer, etc. Increasing levels of CO2 is, definitely, a growing problem and this is one way wherein people could acknowledge their consumption rates and take efforts to minimize them, hence doing their bit for the environment.

Challenges we ran into

We tried a couple of new technologies that we used for the project such as Hasura, PostGreSQL, etc. We faced some difficulties adjusting to these new methods but we did learn a lot in the process. Also, specifically, we had difficulties in finding some relevant datasets for the problem statement i.e. the daily consumption levels of Indian users.
