
capsule investing for the web3 folk

The problem Capsules solves

Crypto has been a main discussion in social media for a while.Lots of Beginner investors in crypto are losing money because of lack of proper knowledge.These investors are vulnerable to rug pulls and exit pumps.
Our product FinEazy helps in diversifying their portfolio by investing in a bunch of crypto assets to mitigate risk.
Making a crypto basket and investing in this basket suggested by crypto experts.(Like what small case by zerodha does(They do not provide crypto baskets))
We are building website initially, for crypto investors in which they can use their existing Crypto Exchange to invest in this basket.
For example: The investor can use Binance/kucoin/gate.io Or any other crypto exchange which they are already using.
The basket will be brought/sold at the exchange in which the user is using. (They can use any exchange of their choice)

This solution could could help investors from

  1. saving time for research.
  2. Bearing huge losses.

Challenges I ran into

hard tough time integrating the api

Technologies used
