Campus Buddy

Campus Buddy

Navigating Tomorrow's Success Today with Our Integrated Campus Management System.

The problem Campus Buddy solves

Campus Buddy emerges as a comprehensive solution to prevalent challenges in educational institutions. It resolves the issue of information fragmentation by centralizing data, fostering seamless communication, and facilitating information sharing among students, teachers, and administrators. The system tackles redundancy in administrative tasks by automating routine processes, enabling teachers to manage classroom and students more efficiently. Communication gaps are minimized through Campus Buddy's instant messaging features, promoting collaboration and responsiveness.

Moreover, the system addresses performance tracking challenges by offering tools for real-time assessment and personalized support. Resource management is optimized, ensuring efficient allocation of classrooms, equipment, and faculty. Accessibility concerns are alleviated with secure, role-based access, allowing relevant information to be accessed by authorized individuals while maintaining data security. Additionally, Campus Buddy automates record-keeping, eliminating errors and providing a secure repository for essential data. In essence, Campus Buddy is designed to create a streamlined, collaborative, and effective educational environment, benefiting both institutions and their participants.

Challenges we ran into

1.While building the application using tyoescript we faced too many type error and to fix those problems were really difficult to implement.
2.In deploying the app using cloudfare we faced too many problems in fixing the dns and name server.
3.Implementing the for video streaming was a difficult task to implement.
3.Implementing graphql instead of using rest api was difficult to implement.

Tracks Applied (4)


We have tried to code our application on replit and working with it was easy to implement. More


Best use of MongoDB Atlas

We have deployed the whole backend of our website on mongodb atlas. More


Best Domain Name from GoDaddy Registry

We have used the godaddy track to buy and create one of the creative domain name. Domain name:

GoDaddy Registry

Best AI Application Built with Cloudflare

In cloudfare we have used for dns management, speed insights and website analytics. More

